She looked up at the clouds and said 'I see God.' When I asked what God was doing she said 'Making Stuff.'

Friday, September 17, 2010

Time to Move: Find my blog at

 I have consolidated my 2 websites and blog to one spot with the help of Tera Kenney, my web designer for life. Tera, are you my webmommy? The site will be getting better and better and I will be blogging there from now on.  So until further notice, bye bye blogger. It was good while it lasted. You were my first....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Indie Bride Feature!

I forgot the nice folks at were featuring my work on their site. Here's the link to their gorgeous page if you want to take a peak:

We've been featured on The Indie Bride!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Coin earrings

How cute are these?  I am having fun trying to continually change things up a bit.  I'm hoping my new site will be up any day, but I have been hoping that for months now.  I am clapping my hands like Tinkerbell that we can get the bank gateway for the shopping cart to work. Clap if you believe, please....